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This bid has been awarded to the following companies:
  • Prospect Environmental Services Ltd.
  • Highmark Environmental Services Ltd.
  • AGAT Laboratories Ltd.
  • Verdant Environmental Consultants Inc.
  • Element Materials Technology Canada Inc.

The BCER seeks proponents that can conduct soil and water sampling activities related to the Regulator’s restoration program.

Download RFQ61625001 Certificate of Restoration (CoR) Audit Services 2024-2029 Description


The BCER is seeking proponents that can conduct activities related to soil and water sampling and laboratory analysis as part of the Regulator’s Restoration Verification Audit Program (RVAP).

Questions and Answers

There are no Q&As at this time. Please email if you have any questions.


There are no Amendments at this time.

Competition ID: RFQ61625001