RFQ 54524001 - Environmental Services 2024-2027 Closed
Closed at: 2:00p.m., March 08, 2024
This bid has been awarded to the following companies:
- Atkins Réalis Canada Inc.
- Azimuth Consulting Group Inc.
- Black Fly Environmental Ltd
- Blackbird Environmental Ltd.
- Ecofish Research Ltd.
- Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd.
- EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.
- Hatfield Consultants LLP
- Intrinsik Corp.
- Matrix Solutions Inc.
- McElhanney Ltd.
- Recon Environmental Ltd.
- Roe Environmental
- SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.
- SynergyAspen Environmental Inc.
- Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
- Western Water Associates Ltd.
- WSP Canada Inc.
- Zoetica Environmental Consulting Services
The BC Energy Regulator is looking to qualify firms to perform a range of environmental services and provide general environmental support.
Download RFQ 54524001 - Environmental Services 2024-2027 DescriptionDescription
The BC Energy Regulator is looking to qualify firms to perform a range of environmental services and provide general environmental support on topics related to incident response, waste management and general support to supplement in-house expertise where required due to mandate expansion, major project development and the need for specialized expertise in select areas.
Based on the review of RFQ Responses, the BCER intends to establish a List of Qualified Suppliers who may be directly awarded, or asked to compete for, contracts for provision of the services described in section 4 of the attached document.
The List of Qualified Suppliers will be in place for three years.
Questions and Answers
If you have any questions about this posting, please email procurement@bc-er.ca.
Yes, this is correct.
Yes, more than one specialist per service area may be submitted – there is no limit to the number of people that can be put forward.
Can be projects related to oil/gas, mining, etc.
Up to $250,000 per year.
No - this will be a new list. In years past, the Regulator has contracted with vendors individually through an RFx process on an annual case by case basis.
There is no set limit. Depending on the amount of work and the capacity of the vendors, I would expect a list of 6 to 10 vendors.
There are no Amendments at this time.
Competition ID: RFQ54524001