70026002 RFQ Orphan Site Management Equipment & Maintenance Closed
Closed at: 2:00p.m., February 19, 2025
The BCER seeks to establish a List of Qualified Service Providers to support remediation, and reclamation works at Orphan oil and gas sites.
Download 70026002 RFQ Orphan Site Management Equipment & Maintenance DescriptionDescription
Summary of the Requirement
The objective of this Request for Qualifications is to establish a List of Qualified Service Providers (subcontractors) to provide services as needed, such as heavy equipment, supplies and/or labour in support of maintenance, remediation and reclamation works at Orphan oil and gas sites. Proponents are able to submit a proposal for one or more of the service areas. Specifics on which services can be provided within the area(s) should be clearly outlined.
Specific Service Area
The specific site service area included in the Request for Qualifications include the following:
- Site Restoration Equipment & Maintenance
- Provide heavy equipment and qualified operators to conduct drain/culvert and road repairs, erosion control/repairs.
- Provide labour and equipment for gate installation, fencing (temporary and permanent), and fence removal and repair.
- Provide heavy equipment and qualified operator(s) for excavation, soil transport, surface re-contouring, top-soil application, and re-seeding of lease and access, under the supervision and/or direction of a qualified professional.
- Provide equipment and qualified operators to complete winter access into remote areas.
Questions and Answers
If you have any questions about this posting, please email procurement@bc-er.ca.
Blue Book rates are a suggested guideline. A proponent is encouraged to put their best rates forward.
A summary of the applicable project(s) and details relevant to the examples requested in the questions allow those evaluating the responses to better understand a company’s experience and expertise, and what sets them apart from others. Billings and proof are not required, a summary with enough detail to prove the above will suffice and a contact for the relevant examples should be included in your references. If a company has a long-term agreement benefitting an Indigenous community, we recommend you include it in your submission.
There are no Amendments at this time.
Competition ID: RFQ70026002