70026001 RFSO Orphan Site Management Restoration Services
Closing Date: 2:00p.m., February 19, 2025
The BCER seek to establish Standing Offer agreements with vendors to provide services in support of restoration work at Orphan sites.
Download 70026001 RFSO Orphan Site Management Restoration Services DescriptionDescription
Summary of the Requirement
The objective of this Request for Standing Offer is to establish a Standing Offer agreement with the successful contractor(s) to provide services as needed in support of restoration work at Orphan sites. Proponents are able to submit a proposal for one or more of the service areas. Specifics on which services can be provided within the area(s) should be clearly outlined.
Specific Service Areas
The specific site service areas included in the Request for Standing Offer include the following (proponents may submit for one or more):
- Professional Investigation, Remediation and Risk Management Services
- Project management and consulting services includes scheduling and work planning, landowner and Indigenous relations, agreements approvals and progress updates in support of the site and/or program completion.
- Site investigation, remediation, risk management, and the submissions Certificate of Restoration (COR) – Part I applications.
- Professional Reclamation Services within Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)
- Project Management and consulting services includes scheduling and work planning, landowner relations, Indigenous relations, revegetation plans, agreements, approvals, and progress updates in support of the program completion.
- Reclamation earthworks planning and supervision including site visits, plans and supervision of onsite earthworks to restore site topography to ensure site meets regulatory requirements and has adequate drainage, contouring and soil replacement.
- Revegetation of site as agreed upon with the landowner, tenure holder, or approved by BCER restoration specialist if on Crown land.
- Completion of site assessments for all regulatory requirements for Schedule B and COR Part II sign offs.
- Professional Reclamation Services outside ALR
- Project Management and consulting services includes scheduling and earthwork planning, revegetation planning, assist in Indigenous relations, agreements, approvals, and progress updates in support of the program completion
- Restoration earthworks planning and supervision including site visits, plans and supervision of onsite earthworks to restore site topography to ensure site meets regulatory requirements and has adequate drainage, contouring and soil replacement.
- Application of Ecologically Suitable Species Guidelines (ESSG) for revegetation plan, including trees and herbaceous and woody shrubs in compliance with all associated regulatory requirements under the Forest and Range Practices Act, Seed Act, Chief Forester’s Standards for seed Use, and Plant Protection Act.
- Completion of site assessments for all regulatory requirements for performance assessments under the ESSG and COR part II submission.
- Re-vegetation Services
- Project Management includes scheduling and work planning, landowner relations, assisting in Indigenous relations, implementation of the Ecologically Suitable Species Guideline on Crown land, agreements, approvals, and progress updates in support of the program completion.
- Reclamation re-vegetation planning and supervision including site visits, plans and supervision of onsite seeding, tree planting, and plant salvage.
- Site monitoring assessment for invasive species and site plant health.
- Vegetation Management Services
- Project Management includes scheduling and work planning, landowner relations, assisting Indigenous relations and progress updates in support of the program completion.
- Identification and management of invasive species.
- Identification and protection, when possible, of vegetation listed in the ESSG
Questions and Answers
If you have any questions about this posting, please email procurement@bc-er.ca.
Yes, general contractor rates and a list of assumptions are acceptable.
Yes, please outline any assumptions made in developing workplans/cost estimates.
We do not. An accurate budget/estimate is not the primary goal for this example. We’re looking for the steps and considerations taken when developing a scope of work for the example site. Assumptions may be made about the site from the information you have been given in the generation of the example site scope and estimate. The estimate developed would be based on the assumptions you have made about the site as detailed in your scope (ie. m3/day). If you wish to quantify costs eg. $/m3 based on efficiencies or other considerations, please do.
There are no Amendments at this time.
Competition ID: RFSO70026001