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This bid has been awarded to the following companies:
  • A.C.L. Construction Ltd.
  • Eh Cho Dene GP Ltd.
  • Full Nelson Water Services Ltd.
  • G. Baumeister Ltd.
  • Golden Base Contracting Ltd.
  • ProDelta Projects Inc.
  • STRAIT Pipeline & Integrity Ltd.
  • Tracker Contracting Ltd.
  • Uujo Developments LP
  • Yuuse Industries Ltd.

The Regulator seeks to establish a List of Qualified Service Providers to provide remediation and reclamation services at orphan sites.

Download 70024002 RFQ Orphan Site Management Equipment & Maintenance Description


The objective of this Request for Qualifications is to establish a List of Qualified Service Providers (subcontractors) to provide services as needed, such as heavy equipment, supplies and/or labour in support of maintenance, remediation and reclamation works at orphan oil and gas sites. Proponents are able to submit a proposal for one or more of the categories. Specifics on which services can be provided within the categories should be clearly outlined.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions about this posting, please email


There are no Amendments at this time.

Competition ID: RFQ70024002