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This bid has been awarded to the following companies:
  • 360 Engineering & Environmental Consulting
  • Aski Reclamation LP
  • FLINT Environmental Services LP
  • Matrix Solutions Inc.
  • Roy Northern Environmental Ltd.
  • SNC-Lavalin Inc.
  • Sterling Operations Ltd.
  • West Moberly-DWB Limited Partnership

The Regulator seeks to establish Standing Offers with qualified vendors in support of restoration work at orphan sites.

Download 70024001 RFSO Orphan Site Management Restoration Services Description


The objective of this Request for Standing Offer is to establish a Standing Offer agreement with the successful contractor(s) to provide services as needed in support of restoration work at orphan sites. Proponents are able to submit a proposal for one or more of the service areas. Specifics on which services can be provided within the area(s) should be clearly outlined.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions about this posting, please email

Yes, it should reference section “n”. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


There are no Amendments at this time.

Competition ID: RFSO70024001