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This bid has been awarded to LIDD Consultants.

The BCER is searching for an experienced systems integrator in support of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Essentials)

Download 21224003 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Systems Integration Services Description

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The BCER is searching for an experienced systems integrator to assist BCER with implementation, configuration, and technical operational support of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Essentials). This opportunity has been extended to solicit additional proposals. A privacy and security schedule have been attached and will be required in any resultant contract.

Questions and Answers

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The vendor may provide a breakdown of the costs in the approach of their choice. To help us with budget planning, we request that the budget be broken down into the implementation of the core modules (GL, AR, AP) and then remaining functionality.

The phased approach is preferred to ensure the BCER gets the core functionality in place as a foundation and then builds on that with additional capabilities (e.g., system integrations.) The focus is not to implement based upon the ‘frequency’ grouping indicated in the business scenarios. Grouping the frequencies is used as a mechanism to assist the Financial team to envision their scenarios performed throughout the year.]

Application Language (AL) is an option that Microsoft-recommended. This involve either a solution the vendor has developed, or has acquired from AppSource, or will custom develop. It is up to the vendor to identify the recommended solution under either Option 1 or Option 2 (the first preference is NOT Option 1 nor would it be custom development)

Microsoft reference: ]

It is up to the vendor to identify the recommended solution. BCER does not have any issue with Cortinia as a solution if that is the recommendation. With an employee base of about 300 employees BCER does not expect a high transactional volume for employee expense reimbursement (Note: There are about 50 company-supplied credit cards in use).

ePayment is a custom AR billing system developed for BCER. The bulk of BCER 'revenue' comes from the fees collected in ePayment (i.e., a billing system). The integration with ePayment is to intake and post the generated AR Invoices and AR Payments in Business Central.

(Note: BCER will not utilize the sales process capabilities including product shipping in Business Central).

The system integration option has yet to be chosen for both the AR Invoice and Payment and Customer Sync. The Employee synch will utilize existing Avanti APIs. The objective is to pursue a simple approach.

A biweekly integration for Payroll labour costing and AP Invoices (for deductions at source) wil be performed. Per the business scenario document, an automated solution is indicated, however, it is up to the vendor to recommend the approach and estimate the cost.

BCER uses the Avanti Payroll system. BCER Integrates with this system utilizing Avanti API calls.

The system integration option has yet to be chosen. The objective is to pursue a simple approach.

The system integration option has yet to be chosen. The objective is to pursue a simple approach.

These are AR Invoices (representing security deposits) and AR Payments (for funds received from an industry Customer) for import into the GL. The integration is to reduce data entry error by means of an integration rather than by manual entry.

The system integration option has yet to be chosen, however, the simplest integration could be by means of a spreadsheet import; The objective is to pursue a simple approach.

The intent is for the Financial team to upload / enter a quarterly ‘forecast’ budget utilizing the standard Business Central GL Budgets capabilities. A regular quarterly Budget will also be uploaded / entered.

This is a quarterly report identifying the travel and business meeting expenses incurred by the BCER Commissioner (i.e., airfare, accommodations, mileage, parking, per diem, transportation, and Other). It will have a section reporting the spend by vendor (Note: There is no budget comparison involved).